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Central Athens Regional Unit – ko te apskatīt un pieredzēt

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Jauns mājoklis

Ancient wines amid ancient walls

Take a 1.5-hour journey that blends storytelling, history, and exceptional wines in a truly memorable setting—the remarkably preserved Themistoclean Wall from the 5th century B.C., located just steps from the Panepistimio Metro Station. • Step into the cellar that houses the ancient wall and hear fascinating stories about the abandoned shops that once occupied this space and their significance in Athens’ history. • Capture photographic memories of this remarkable location’s preserved ancient architecture and a one-of-a-kind ambiance. • Explore a selection of Greek natural wines paired with traditional crackers, breadsticks, and local artisanal cheeses. We’ll discuss the origins of each wine, and how the flavors connect to Greece’s unique terrain and culture. You’ll leave with unforgettable stories, a refined palate, and a newfound appreciation for the art of Greek wine.

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